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[OC:25] Desktop - Installation (English)

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Administrator & Rennleitung
Administrator & Rennleitung

Geschlecht: Männlich
Anmeldedatum: 09.05.2006
Wohnort: Wien (Mariahilf)

Beiträge: 19699
Danke: 1308

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.10.2024, 09:00    Titel: [OC:25] Desktop - Installation (English)

Please note: The OC patch is an inofficial modification (so called "MOD") for the discontinued desktop edition of the game "Ski Challenge 16". This is a fan project, developed and provided by the community for the community. The OC is not operated by Greentube GmbH or Ski Challenge GmbH, but rather it's independently operated by the HAPPYTEC community. We're not affliated with Greentube GmbH or Ski Challenge GmbH!

OC:25 Desktop (English/Deutsch)

OC:25 is an inofficial patch for the game SC:16. Therefore SC:16 must be installed first if this has not already been done in the past.
If you've already installed a patch from previous seasons, you can install the new version without reinstalling the game.

All required downloads and instructions for a successfully OC:25 season are available in the following posts.

The whole eSports-Team wishes you a lot of fun! 0114

SC:16 Original:
  • Windows: SkiChallenge16_v2.exe (455 MiB)

    Compatible with Windows Vista, 7, 8.x, 10, 11, ...
    Should run on almost any hardware from the last decade.

OC:25 Patch:
  • Full edition: oc25-patch.exe (196 MiB)

  • Minimal edition: oc25-patch-lite.exe (15 MiB)

    The LITE-Installer doesn't contain alternative fence colours (green & grey) and no modified ad signs.
    Please note that you can now also select the original fence colour (red/blue) in the regular installer!

  • Other files:

    • Manual installation: (199 MiB)

      If you can't or don't want to use the patch installer, download the ZIP file.
      For everyone else the patch installer is a better and much easier solution!

    • PlayOnLinux script: oc25.pol (25 KiB)

      There's also a ready-to-run POL script for Linux users. Tested at Ubuntu.
      All necessary EXE files will be downloaded during the installation.

  • HTGT.jar (146 KiB) or (155 KiB)

    To easily manage your local ghosts, see this dedicated thread.
    Basic functions are available in-game with the ONLINE mode!
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Administrator & Rennleitung
Administrator & Rennleitung

Geschlecht: Männlich
Anmeldedatum: 09.05.2006
Wohnort: Wien (Mariahilf)

Beiträge: 19699
Danke: 1308

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.10.2024, 09:00    Titel: Instructions for Windows

Instructions for Windows (English/Deutsch)

If a previous year's version is already installed (e.g. OC:24), please skip directly to step #3! Wink

  1. Download the file skichallenge16_v2.exe and execute it.

  2. "Use custom installation" and remove the check mark at "Run Ski Challenge 16"!

  3. Download the file oc25-patch.exe - or - oc25-patch-lite.exe and execute it.

  4. Now OC:25 can be started. The game is now in the well-known OFFLINE mode.

  5. Follow this guide to play online: Activate ONLINE mode


  • Download and install Java 9 or newer. Afterwards download the

  • Now run the JAR file. Don't forget this step after the first start: Server » Change API token
Dieser Beitrag wurde insgesamt 1 mal geändert. Zuletzt von killerbees19 am 25.10.2024, 01:34.
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Administrator & Rennleitung
Administrator & Rennleitung

Geschlecht: Männlich
Anmeldedatum: 09.05.2006
Wohnort: Wien (Mariahilf)

Beiträge: 19699
Danke: 1308

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.10.2024, 09:00    Titel: Instructions for manual installation at Windows

Exclamation It's recommended to use the patch installer! Wink
Arrow If you want to do it by hand, please just read on.

Instructions for manual installation at Windows (English/Deutsch)

If a previous year's version is already installed (e.g. OC:24), please skip directly to step #3! Wink

  1. Download the file skichallenge16_v2.exe and execute it.

  2. Select "Use custom installation" and remove the check mark at "Run Ski Challenge 16"!

  3. Download the file and extract it. Now proceed with these steps:

    • Copy Game_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll to C:\Games\Ski Challenge 16\Game_Data\Managed.

    • Copy all files from Game_Data\Plugins to C:\Games\Ski Challenge 16\Game_Data\Plugins.

    • Copy all UNITY3D files from Game_Data\Bundles to C:\Games\Ski Challenge 16\Game_Data\Bundles.

    • Copy the 10 files without file extension, 3 XML files and resources.assets from Game_Data to C:\Games\Ski Challenge 16\Game_Data.

    • Insert your nickname at the files Profiles.xml and OfflineProfiles.xml. (Replace NewRacer with your nickname.)

    • Copy "oc.ico" to C:\Games\Ski Challenge 16.

    • Copy "Online Challenge.lnk" to C:\Games\Ski Challenge 16.

    • Replace "Run Ski Challenge 16" at the desktop with the new link.

    • Now start OC:25 (via the new link or by executing Game.exe)

  4. Follow this guide to play online: Activate ONLINE mode
Dieser Beitrag wurde insgesamt 1 mal geändert. Zuletzt von killerbees19 am 25.10.2024, 01:35.
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Benutzer-Profile anzeigen killerbees19 ist derzeit offline
Administrator & Rennleitung
Administrator & Rennleitung

Geschlecht: Männlich
Anmeldedatum: 09.05.2006
Wohnort: Wien (Mariahilf)

Beiträge: 19699
Danke: 1308

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.10.2024, 09:00    Titel: Instructions for Linux

Exclamation It's highly recommended to use PlayOnLinux, because several Wine releases are known to be incompatible!
Idea There's an automated POL install script. If you want to install it by hand, take a look at this and this thread Smile

Instructions for Linux (English/Deutsch)

  1. Download the file oc25.pol.

  2. Use the package manager to install playonlinux.

  3. Setup 32-bit support for Wine. (Instructions in POL wiki)

    • With Debian or Ubuntu it usually works like this:

      sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install wine32

    • With Ubuntu 24.04 you may also need the python3-pyasyncore package:

      sudo apt install python3-pyasyncore

  4. Start PlayOnLinux, now navigate to: Tools » Run a local script

  5. Select the saved file oc25.pol and follow the instructions at the dialogues

    Sometimes it's required to manually resize the dialog windows to see all menu items!

  6. SC:16 installer: "Use custom installation" and remove the check mark at "Run Ski Challenge 16"!

  7. OC:25 can now be started via the new desktop link or within the PlayOnLinux window. The game is now in the well-known OFFLINE mode.

  8. Follow this guide to play online: Activate ONLINE mode


  • Install the package openjdk-17-jre, or any other Java release. Afterwards download the

  • Start the JAR application via the context menu. Don't forget this step after the first start: Server » Change API token
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Benutzer-Profile anzeigen killerbees19 ist derzeit offline
Administrator & Rennleitung
Administrator & Rennleitung

Geschlecht: Männlich
Anmeldedatum: 09.05.2006
Wohnort: Wien (Mariahilf)

Beiträge: 19699
Danke: 1308

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.10.2024, 09:00    Titel: New features this year

New features this year (English/Deutsch)

  • Improvements for group races:

    • Longer maximum duration of group races.

    • Individual start of group races finally possible.

    • Limited start attempts possible for group races.

    • Racing lines can be hidden in group races.

    • Group races can now also take place during xTC races.

  • Revision of the in-game ranking list:

    • Group races can now be started individually.

    • Ski settings can now be displayed or applied directly.

    • An OC-pB (Personal Best) is marked with a yellow jersey.

    • The last uploaded ghost is marked with a red jersey.

  • Improvements to ghost downloads:

    • HoF ghosts (Hall of Fame) can now be downloaded directly in-game.

    • The single ghost mode now also downloads ghosts from xTC and GR rankings.

  • No more accidental starts of xTC, there's a new confirmation question!

  • And many small improvements as well as bug fixes.
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Benutzer-Profile anzeigen killerbees19 ist derzeit offline
Administrator & Rennleitung
Administrator & Rennleitung

Geschlecht: Männlich
Anmeldedatum: 09.05.2006
Wohnort: Wien (Mariahilf)

Beiträge: 19699
Danke: 1308

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.10.2024, 09:00    Titel: Activate ONLINE mode

Activate ONLINE mode (English/Deutsch)

ONLINE mode means: It's not required to use the anymore for the most common tasks.
The game is communicating directly with the HAPPYTEC server, you're able to login like long ago.

  1. Start the game and expand the player profile at the top left corner. (Arrow Down Icon)

  2. Click at button Login or New Account and enter username/password of your HAPPYTEC account.

  3. If you're seeing ONLINE at the top right corner, isn't required anymore.

There's a help page for some frequently asked questions: [FAQ] OC-Patch – Manual (GERMAN)

Don't hesitate to post your questions at the forums!
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Benutzer-Profile anzeigen killerbees19 ist derzeit offline
Administrator & Rennleitung
Administrator & Rennleitung

Geschlecht: Männlich
Anmeldedatum: 09.05.2006
Wohnort: Wien (Mariahilf)

Beiträge: 19699
Danke: 1308

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.10.2024, 09:00    Titel:

Have fun with the Online Challenge '25!

Tanzende Banane auf Ski Tanzende Banane auf Ski
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Verschoben am 22.10.2024, 09:00 von HAPPYTEC.
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